
Showing posts from August, 2019

5 Types of Healthy Bread

What we eat has always been a thing of concern to us, it isn't just about putting hunger in check anymore. Eating well is a priority, but we don't get to consume what is exactly healthy all the time. Read more on BeFantastico website: 5 Types of Healthy Bread

Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes: Any Difference?

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by the body's inability to control its glucose levels due to the insufficiency of insulin. The insulin insufficiency could be as a result of the body`s incompetence to produce insulin or use the insulin it produces. Read more on BeFantastico website: Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes: Any Difference?

13 Foods that Make Children Taller

It is not unusual to find parents who desire that their children grow tall. hence they feed them with certain foods, hoping that they grow tall fast. Read more on BeFantastico website: 13 Foods that Make Children Taller

Healthy Living 101

People suffer from obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight, kidney problems, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and a number of other problems as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. These unhealthy lifestyle habits begin gradually and subtly until they lead to terrible health conditions. Read more on BeFantastico website: Healthy Living 101

21 Stamina-Building Foods

Do you feel some severe pain after walking or running for even a short distance? Or perhaps you feel out of breath and get tired quickly? You probably need to increase your stamina. How? You may wonder. It`s simple! Eat nutritious and stamina-building foods. Read more on BeFantastico website: 21 Stamina-Building Foods

What Happens When you Quit Smoking?

There are over seven million deaths that occur annually due to tobacco use. Cigarette smoking is responsible for over 480,000 deaths in the United States, and 41,000 of those deaths are due to secondhand smoking. Read more on BeFantastico website: What Happens When you Quit Smoking?

21 Foods that Burn Belly Fat

It`s no news that a number of people struggle with belly fat. Belly fat is quite dangerous, as it is associated with heart disease and diabetes. It can affect anyone, irrespective of age, race, gender, genetics, or whatever else. Read more on BeFantastico website: 21 Foods that Burn Belly Fat